You Must Create an Account to Access Support Materials.

We will notify you via email after we confirm your organization’s license. In the meantime, you must create an account in our Learning Management System (LMS) to be provided access.

How to Create an Account in our LMS

  1. If you have previously logged into our LMS for e-learning or to view reports, you may already have an account. You can login here.
  2. Go to our LMS to create an account. (The link will open in a new window so you can follow these instructions.)
  3. Complete the fields:
    • Your username should be your first and last name, without spaces, all lowercase. (For example, if your name is John Doe, your username would be johndoe.)
    • If someone already has your username, use your company email address as your username.
  4. After completing the fields, click the ‘Create my new account’ button.
  5. A confirmation email will be sent to you. If you do not receive your email, check your spam folder. If it is not in your spam folder, talk to your network administrator, and ask to have whitelisted.
  6. You must confirm your new account by clicking the link provided in your email.
  7. If 2-3 people need access to support materials in your organization, please repeat steps 2-6 for each person. 

After we confirm your license, we will provide support material access to your account via our LMS. We will notify you via email when your access is granted.

If you do not create an account in our LMS, we will not be able to provide you access to the support materials.